How To Find IFSC and MICR code of any Bank's Branch in India online? - latest tech tips

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How To Find IFSC and MICR code of any Bank's Branch in India online?

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The IFSC code of a Bank's branch is generally used for fund transfer. The IFSC and MICR code are printed on the check book. Many times we forget the check book and we need the information urgently and we can't find the information easily.

Well here is a quick and very simple solution for you. Just follow the below very simple steps to get the IFSC and MICR code information of any branch in a Indian Bank.

1. Just go to the site
2. Enter your Bank Name > State > District > Branch Name.
3. Once you have filled all the above information you will instantly see the IFSC and MICR code of the banks branch.

Simple trick great information.

Note: Please make sure you enter correct details in the drop downs or else you might end up getting incorrect information.


  1. it looks here easy but i have been in trouble at couple of times...
    now i can get rid of it, even if forget to carry the check book with me......:)
    thnx for sharing,

  2. Ya I aways used to wonder how do I get this information and now you can get it anytime wit heck book..


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