Windows Run: Smartly access different apps in Windows - latest tech tips

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Windows Run: Smartly access different apps in Windows

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Have you ever wondered which are the different commands in windows to access different applications in windows from windows run?

Windows -> Start -> Run is the most powerful and most underutilized functionality. You can access different windows applications using these commands and load them in lightning speed.

Below commands(alphabetical order) can start so many applications in just a matter of nano seconds:

Command for Run Function Invoked
calc Opens calculator
cmd Opens command prompt window
explorer and iexplore
Opens Windows explorer and IE respectively
magnify Screen magnifier accessory
msconfig System Configuration Utility
mshearts Opens Hearts game
msinfo32 System Information applet
mspaint Opens graphics accessory Paint
notepad Notepad accessory
regedit Registry editor
sol Opens Classical Solitaire game

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