How to add realtime twitter widget on your Blog or Website? - latest tech tips

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How to add realtime twitter widget on your Blog or Website?

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Do you want to make your blog or website more interactive? Do you want people to get involved into twitter conversations? Do you want an app which would search all the tweetes related to you and display them realtime in your Blog? If Yes here is how you can do it.

  1. Just go to Twitter Search Widget
  2. Put the search query example @Latest_Tech_tip if you want to search user specific twits or any word if you want twits specific to a word example "Technology"
  3. Put Title for the widget on your blog.
  4. Put Caption for the widget on your blog.
  5. Click on Test you will immediately see Tweets getting populated with your search term.Twitter+Blogger+Widget+Step+1
  6. You can also customize your widget based on Preference, Appearance and Dimensions in the same window (Marked with red arrows).
  7. Click on Finish & Grab Code and you can embed that code in your blog or website.
  8. If you want to add it to blogger then there is a direct widget adding button present which appears when you click on Finish & Grab Code. Twitter+Blogger+Widget+Step+2
Simple isn't it? You can customize the code as per your need. You can adjust the height, width and also the update period in Milli Seconds. Don't forget to leave a comment if you are stuck some where. I ll fix it for you.

Also Read: More Twitter and Blogger tips
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  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    hey how can i get these icons on left that u r using which appear on left even when i scroll down...can u write a blog post indicating html and css required plz.

  2. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hey I ll do it today..Its much easier than one can imagine..

  3. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hey Ginger just finished writing the article How to add side shortcut widget in blogger blog?.

    You will find exactly what you want.Cheers..


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