How to Choose an Effective Post Title for Startup Bloggers? - latest tech tips

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How to Choose an Effective Post Title for Startup Bloggers?

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I bet you liked the title of this posts which is why you are reading this post. Post Title is one of the x-factors which either attract or repel visitors to your website? There are innumerable articles on the web on this but I am presenting to you simple facts which I learnt out of my experience as a blogger.

Since you are a start up blogger and do not have a very large reader base then you have to create it yourself. Below tricks will help you have a short but effective post title. A reader has less than 5 seconds to decide to visit your article or jump somewhere else. Post titles are the key differentiators between success and failure.
  1. Whenever you think of writing a post please take out sometime to think of a Title which would relate to the contents of the posts. The article is really good but the title representing it does not do the justice. People spend hours together to write an article and few seconds for Post Title.
  2. Many people put title which have no link with the contents of the posts for example if you are writing a post on president Obama's Job Policies. A good title could be "Obama does another trick to save US jobs" rather than "Another Obama's Job polices". Here Obama and US Jobs could be the potential keywords.
  3. A Blog title and a NEWS paper headline are different always keep in mind. A NEWS paper has dedicated readers and here you are hunting for readers or rather attracting more readers and one way to get more readers is to add the keyword to the post Title so that search engine would put your article at the top of the search page when relevant query is fired.
  4. Please don't treat your post title as your post and keep it very small and smart. A post Title must relate with the readers and instantly should make them think of the topic and click on your link.
  5. Always remember Title's is what the Search Engine reads and indexes and presents as the search results to the queries requested by users and it should never have any spelling mistakes. May people translate your contents into different languages and spelling mistakes make the translation difficult.
  6. Its not necessary to decide the Title before writing the post. If you are not sure start writing the article first and once you are done with the article then decide the TitleI found out some very cool Titles after I finished the posts.
  7. You can use Caps in between words in the post example take the title of this post "How to Choose an Effective Post Title for Startup Bloggers?"
  8. Lastly the length of the Title should not be more than 10 words. If its more than that the search results will truncate it and show just a small part of the posts title and thus you would loose potential traffic and please do not stuff your title with keywords as you want to write article for readers and not for Google bot.
    These are some of my experiences which I learnt easily or sometimes the hard way. Hope these things will help you gain more and more traffic.

    Also see: Many more Blogger and SEO Tricks to keep you ahead of others. Don't forget knowledge increases when you share it, so please share these posts with your friends if you liked it.

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