There are hundreds of reasons for PC's slow performance and hardware limitation is one of the primary reasons. Find out your PC ratings by following these simple steps on Windows 7:
- Go to Control Panel
- Click on System
- Click on Windows Experience Index.
- Click on ReRun the Assessment to get your latest PC index.
Windows 7 help says:
"The base score can help you buy programs that match your computer's performance level. The base score only pertains to the performance aspects of the computer that affect how well features in Windows and other programs will run on your computer, and doesn't reflect the overall quality of your computer"
A score from
- 1 to 3 may be considered poor.
- 3.1 to 5.49 considered fare.
- 5.5 to 7.0 good.
- 7.1 to 10 exceptional meaning you don't need hardware change for the next 2 - 3 years.
Tip: Having a Graphic card certainly help your PC rating but it may not be required by all. And Graphics is one of the areas of evaluation you might end up having a low base score, but that's perfectly okay if you do not intend to use high graphical applications such as Games and stuff.
In the end if your PC rating is low but you are still not facing any issues don't give these rating much importance they are important only when you are going to purchase some software which has minimum system requirements. These ratings help you in those regards.
Hope this was useful for you, leave a comment if you have any doubts or you are stuck with getting these ratings. Find many more Windows tricks here.
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