Update Blogger Posts on Twitter and FaceBook using TwitterFeed. - latest tech tips

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Update Blogger Posts on Twitter and FaceBook using TwitterFeed.

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Now you can post your Blogger Updates on Facebook and Twitter profiles without any effort. All you need is a RSS feed and Twitterfeed account. Here is what you should do...

1. Just Create a new profile in TwitterFeed.com (takes few seconds).
2. Step 1: Now put your RSS Feed name and link and click on test to make sure things are okay.

3. Step 2, Login to your Twitter and FaceBook Account so that you give twitterFeed the acces to post information from your behalf.

4. Click on All Done.

Now you are all set and TwitterFeed will take care of the rest. TwitterFeed will automatically post your Blogger updates to your Twitter and Facebook accounts.The advantage of this approach is that you do not have to manually update Twitter and FaceBook Accounts. This is very useful for Blog Authors.

Also read: All the
FaceBook Tricks
Blogger Tricks
Twitter Tricks.

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