How Fake pics of Osama Bin Laden's Dead Body was created? - latest tech tips

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How Fake pics of Osama Bin Laden's Dead Body was created?

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May 2nd 2011 is a day for celebration for all the peace loving people around the world. The most wanted terrorist of all times "Mr Osama Bin Laden" was killed on May 2nd 2011 almost 10 years after 9-11 terrorist attack.

The moment "Osama Bin Laden's" killing NEWS started coming people wanted to see his dead body photos. US officials made sure that these photos are not leaked. During the operation they identified Osama using Face recognition technology and also DNA tests (to make sure the body is of Osama).

Osama was killed with a bullet in the head as per US officials who carried out the operation. To prevent any sort of uprising and prevent Osama being labelled as a Martyr, there were no photos published of Osama's dead body and he was buried at the sea at an unidentified location.

So what few people did was they created a fake Osama dead body by using simple photo editors (may be Photoshop). I am going to show you how they must have done it. It is basically done in 3 steps.

1. Find Osama's actual old pic and a picture of any unidentified body.


2. Then cut the face part of Original old Osama pic and the same portion of the unidentified bodies pic.


3. Now just merge both the pics and do some finishing touch up.


Few more reasons why this Osama bodies pic is fake are:
  1. Osama was killed by bullet in head, there are no bullet marks in the pic.
  2. The smile expression on the body (never seen dead body smiling).
  3. The picture is very blurry altogether to give a effect as if its taken by a mobile camera.
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  1. Me%25252Bwith%25252Ba%25252Bgoat%2525252C%25252BHyderabad%2525252C%25252BMecca%25252BMasjid%25252B%25252528Copy%25252529%25252B%252525282%25252529

    Very Interesting indeed!

  2. grf

    You seems to be Logical.... but, is it really manipulated foto????

  3. blogger_logo_round_35

    @Arti yes it clicked me the moment I saw that pic..@Irfan ys its a fake photograph of Osama as US. Even many newspapers have confirmed it.

  4. blogger_logo_round_35

    As long as he is died thats all I want be sure of.


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