VIDEO: How Are Playing Marbles Made? - latest tech tips

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VIDEO: How Are Playing Marbles Made?

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At least once in a life time most of us must have played with marbles in our childhood, but did you really think how these cool looking marbles really made? I came across this awesome video which shows how playing marbles are made in Factory as well as how they are hand made.

I especially enjoyed the marble making process by hand. Its was simply amazing to see how the marble maker used 6 different layers of glass to make a single master piece of marble.

Video Courtesy : Metacafe How It's Made: Marble

I will keep posting such interesting How Its Made videos as and when I come across. Enjoy.


  1. Awesome man nusatya gotya khelayala mahiti hotya its good to know how they are made :D

  2. I also loved it ..Simply superb..


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