TOP 5: Reasons for not buying iPhone 4S in India - latest tech tips

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TOP 5: Reasons for not buying iPhone 4S in India

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iPhone 4S was a huge disappointment for many tech enthusiasts as they were hoping for the launch of the iPhone 5. Well that didn't happen instead the world saw a slightly upgraded iPhone 4.

iPhone 4S was very recently launched in India and many people were caught in a confusion whether to really buy the new iPhone 4S. The article will help you to decide not to buy it.

Here are the Top 5 reasons why you should not buy a new iPhone 4S especially if you are in India.

1. Same Looks:
iPhone 4s and iPhone 4 are identical twins and there are no chages in the looks department a big disappintment.

2. No Siri:
This is the biggest disappointment. Siri the virtual personal assistant will not be available in India. Reason it simply does not recognize the Indian Accent and that is the case with many Asian countries. Siri is the USP of iPhone 4S and if you cannot have it then why to have it.

3. Exorbitant Pricing:
The Basic 8GB version is available for Rs 45000/- i.e. close to $900 which is close to 40% more what you will have to pay for in the US. There are really very cool iPhone 4S alternatives available in the market like Samsung Galaxy SII etc at almost Rs 27000/- with Android.

4. No 4G:
I know 4G is not yet available in India but wouldn't it be nice to have it if you are going to travel to places where it is available?

5. Good but Not Great Camera:
If Camera is something you would like to buy a iPhone for then think again its not a Digital camera for which you will spend Rs 12000 extra its simply not worth it.

Ofcourse iPhone 4S is a great phone only thing is how much sense it really makes to buy such an expensive phone is what you have to think of.

In case you are an Apple fan and have loads of money then you can simply buy it no one will stop you. But if you want value for your money stay away from the iPhone 4S instead start saving the same for iPhone 5 which will be launched next year.
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