Drop in Google traffic since last 2 - 5 days. - latest tech tips

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Drop in Google traffic since last 2 - 5 days.

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Looks like Google has altered its Pageranking algorithm again and I have noticed a sudden drop in Organic Google search traffic since last couple of days.

It looks like Google has started giving significant relevance to plusone's done by people and many search results are shown with recommended articles by your friends on Google+.

I have observed around 30 % drop in organic traffic from Google. If my above analysis is in fact true then small blogs having less than 1000 visits daily will take more time to again reach a level of growth we used to see early.

I have tried to summaries my observations for sudden drop in Google traffic.
  1. Algorithm change giving some more importance to plusones.
  2. Less frequently updated blogs observing drop in traffic.
  3. Change in the way Google shows site links of websites in Google search.
I have many times observed that this sudden drop gets rectified in few days and the traffic gets back on track after few days. Hopefully this will happen soon but it certainly is a wake up call to have a plus one button and Google+ presence for your blog posts else be ready to suffer.
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