Easy To Understand KPI For SEO’s - latest tech tips

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Easy To Understand KPI For SEO’s

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Applying Key Performance Indicators, basically a management concept, to the SEO exercise is an excellent example of how some concepts hold true for brick and mortar business as well as the virtual world.

What is KPI?

In layman parlance Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are those measurable concepts that indicate whether the organization is achieving its predetermined goals/targets or not. As everyone knows, a business has a vision and a mission statement. It helps define the path on which the organization will take. The measurable goals and achievable targets are set keeping in mind these statements.

Similarly, in the virtual world, when a website is hosted it has a certain goal in mind; higher traffic conversion, information dissemination or just e-commerce. By applying KPI, especially to an SEO campaign, businesses can determine whether they are achieving their ROI or not.

KPI in SEO campaigns is being talked about, albeit skeptically. Web Masters are unsure how to apply KPI to their campaigns. However, once the fundamentals are clear and the goals are set, KPI is easy to put into action.

Here’s how:

1) Smart Goal Setting – Any activity is undertaken with a purpose. So, when an SEO campaign is launched it has a purpose; be it setting up the site and building links or hosting a content that focuses on the appropriate keywords. However, these are concepts that are hard to measure. Hence, the web master has to define the how much of the campaign – this is one example.

Setting goals again has to be SMART i.e. Successful, Measurable, Achievable, Reliable and Time bound. This will help in building a successful KPI plan.

2) Identifying The Type Of Site – The KPI for a typical e-commerce site would be different than for a site that encourages social discussions. The measurable concepts or metrics to be precise would differ for both as they would attract different traffic.

3) Focus On Any Or All KPI Metrics – Due to the difference in the type of site, an SEO campaign can be measured in terms of its traffic generated, the number or density of keywords being used, length of the keyword (long tail/short tail), the number of times the keyword is queried, profile of the traffic/visitor, duration of the visit and the new traffic that it generates.

  • Traffic Volume - The numbers generated by the traffic to a website is a great indicator of how the SEO campaign has been working. The focus here should be on the quality of the traffic and from where it is being generated. Another useful aspect here could be the conversion ratio of the traffic. Keep an eye on it to further plan your keyword research.

  • Keyword density could also help determine the KPI, as a well researched and relevant content always finds takers. A savvy SEO knows that keywords used judiciously could attract quality traffic and lead to higher conversion rates. Hence, they indirectly play a role in measuring the performance of the campaign.

These are commonly focused upon metrics. As and when the campaign develops and the website matures, with some practice and experience web masters can develop and apply different metrics to measure the KPI.

Information on KPI available on the internet is also a useful guide on how to go about applying KPI to your SEO campaigns. And when in doubt, you can always dig out the experts and seek their opinion!

Guest Post:
This is a guest post by Divya Rawat who juggles between being an avid reader of blogs and writing for a iNetZeal that has been offering content writing service (click here to know more!) for the past six years.
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