HOW TO: Find who all +1 your Blogger Blog Posts? - latest tech tips

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HOW TO: Find who all +1 your Blogger Blog Posts?

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This yet another Blogger trick. If you want to find out who all have plus one your Blogger blog posts there is a very  simple way of doing it.

Simple Go to

1. Blogger Dashboard.
2. Go to Posts.
3. Check the right hand corner of the posts list.
4. Here you can see how many +1 your blog post has recieved.


5. Also if you click on the number you will find individual people who +1ed your post.

Google +1 is gaining more and more significance in  the SEO world and if your 50% traffic comes from Google then you must have the +1 button on your website immediately.

Having +1 information can help you understand trends on what kind of people +1 your posts more. Do you know them or not, you can also start thinking of strategies of increasing your Google +1s for your posts. Some of the ways are:

1. Having a +1 button.
2. Other is sharing it on Google+.
3. People can also +1 your posts from Google Search results.
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