STUDY: Why a website loads slowly after DDoS Subscription? - latest tech tips

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STUDY: Why a website loads slowly after DDoS Subscription?

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DDoS or Distributed Denial of Service happens when many compromised computer systems located across various locations attack a single target that is a website.

With proxy shield DDoS protection, one is faced with what is known as "the rerouting issue". Proxy shields work like this:
  1. All of your traffic goes to them. 
  2. It gets filtered and cleaned from attack packets and only the legitimate traffic is allowed to reach you site. 
  3. All of that means that your traffic is first directed to a place (usually a Data Center) which may or may not be geographically close to the location of your hosting server.
  4. After after filtering it is fed into your own backend. 
So, physically the distance that your traffic needs to travel is arguably longer than usual.

Nowadays, the speed of the global Internet is drastically faster than what it used to be some 5-10 years ago. Still, the signal needs to travel vast distances, go through numerous hops and rely on the connection speed between them. Your ping will be larger, no doubt, but how large can it be before it gets ugly.

It is common understanding that for a website pings of 300-700ms are quite acceptable these days. It is a completely different situation if you're running a game server or a streaming service that require virtually 100% up time.

Yes, geography does matter, and if you're looking for true 100% uptime and your business is dependent on that, proxy shield providers just may not be able to be on a par with your requirement. In this case, you may want to look for a protection provider that's at least in the same country as you are, or build a DDoS mitigation solution of your own.

Guest Post:

This is a Guest post by Alex Topol who is a DDoS mitigation professional who works with, a leading service which offers a Swiss-quality protection from DDoS attacks.
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