Things to Consider Before You Choose a Blog Template. - latest tech tips

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Things to Consider Before You Choose a Blog Template.

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There are tons of free blog templates available on the internet and apart from look and feel there are many aspects in a blog template which you must consider before you make the final plunge.

Choosing the correct template can be a game changer for you. So make sure you consider the below checklist before you take your final decision. I have learned these things from my own mistakes and you all can benefit from it.

1. Title:
Look at the template and see how the Title looks. Generally there is a Post Date, Post Author, Comments etc near the title. Always choose a template where this information is above the title. This helps in integrating your Ads seamlessly in your post under the title.

In case you happen to choose a template which has this information below the post title it will not blend with your Ads and you will suffer from very low CTR resulting into direct drop in revenue.

2. Hyperlinks:
Check the template and see how the hyperlinks are rendered. Most templates come with default color for hyperlinks. If the color is standing out then reader will always click on them and resulting in very low CTR for text Ads. Hyperlinks also should blend with the content contrary to popular myth of them standing out.

3. Header:
If there is an option to display Ads in the header it gives you more flexibility to put up extra Ads which would generally blend with your content. The header generally remain underutilized for theis purpose.

4. Static Pages:
Many blogs have static page having there About, Privacy Policy, Advertising and Contact Us details. These should be allowed to be on top. See how they are rendered in the template you are looking at. Static pages should always be at the top as they give direct information to your readers in terms of your blog contents and contacting you even for advertising.

5. Template Bottom:
Many templates give a rectangular block to add your widgets at the bottom. Things like Fanpages, Blog description, Author bio can be very nicely included over there.

Apart from the above points, Look and feel, blog navigation, fonts and internal UI are also very important aspects.

Finding all the above 5 can become very difficult in a single free template but you  must always give priority to the top 2 points I mentioned as they have a direct impact on your revenues via blogs. If you are able to get 4 out of 5 you can go ahead and use the template for your blog.
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