HOW TO: Get Sponsored Posts (Reviews) For Your Blog? - latest tech tips

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HOW TO: Get Sponsored Posts (Reviews) For Your Blog?

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If you have a cool blog and want to make some extra cash then sponsored posts is a great way to earn more. Generally you can write paid reviews on your blog of products belonging to the niche of your blog.

I am going to let you guys know some of the ways I learnt from past 2 years of blogging.

1. Declare it:
Best way to declare this is in the Advertisements page of your blog where you can simply write down that you do write sponsored articles and paid reviews. There is no harm in taking money for writing a review as long as it is full of facts about the product. Don't be over critical though.

2. Pay Per Post Sites:
Well there are many websites which allow you to get publishers and product owners to contact you, to write interesting sponsored review article on their products. One such site is . I have also heard about sites like and who also give very good paid review opportunities.

3. eMail:
So far I have also received direct sponsorship to write review articles via email, so its very essential that you allow people to directly contact you via email. Expose your email id in Conatct Us section of your blog.
No matter what it is very important that you have a PayPal account. Some time back I wrote this article for PayPal first timers.
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