Angel Pad: Its Official Its Fake. - latest tech tips

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Angel Pad: Its Official Its Fake.

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Many people booked Angel Pad $40 Tablet mostly because it was published in a leading Marathi daily news paper I also though that this product is genuine and booked it a month ago.

Angel Pad is a $40 Tab with amazing features which you won't even get in a expensive $125 Tablet. It has 7" Cap Screen, 1GB Ram, 1.5 Ghz Processor, latest Android ICS OS, Bluetooth, USB and many more features also it comes with a free solar charger.

The configuration of the Tab and the price are so unbelievable that many people booked it with a thought that they won't loose much even if they do not get it.

Also the expectations of the buyers and the immediate emotional attachment is also very strong and many people are just hoping they will get their Tab soon.

Let me tell you the truth. Angel Tab is fraud and its purely fake. I have done intense research on the internet and found out few facts about this Angel Pad.

1. Many people have seen,, as PayPal Ids which look fake in first place.
2. The website is registered to
Perry, Richard 23 Ascroft Doncaster London, AL 10270 TH +66.770002189 (Check London in Thailand)
3. The website started on 15th May 2012 and expires Next year (Any legitimate seller would book domain for at least 5 years).
4. No History.
5. You will not find a single person who has got the delivery try to search on Internet.
6. Most people do get email confirmations of purchase.
7. Most people also get the dispatch details.
8. But there is no tracking of your Parcel as its ordinary postage.
9. There are also no independent video reviews of this product anywhere all posts tell only about the configuration but no one has seen the tablet actually.
10. The design of website is also very strange. You are greeted with a person walking alone showing you back to tell you in a way that you are going to be fooled for sure.


Most affected people are from India as they have obsession with value for Money products and $40 seems very cheap for a Tablet as attractive as this. 

How to get your Money back?
1. If you have booked your Angel Pad via Paypal then you must make sure you raise a dispute immediately
2. You are allowed to raise dispute within 45 days of placing the order.
3. You must ideally wait for a month and immediately raise a dispute, but now that its clear its fake you can raise dispute immediately.
4. Just write you suspect that this is a fraud.

I haven't heard anyone getting Angel Tab but there are few people who got their money back. More than money its the small little dream of owing the good looking cheap Tablet getting broken is more painful. I have seen people from many parts of India such as Pune, Mumbai, Bangalore

The Marathi daily Sakal should have verified this information before posting it as it made people believe that this Tablet is Genuine (unfortunately this article continues to be still visible on the daily).

My Experience.
I booked on 25th May 2012 and today is 25th Jun 2012. 1 month is fairly sufficient for any postage to be delivered from any part of the world. I have myself raised a dispute and will keep you guys updated. If you are planning to book your Angel Tab don't even think about it. Also share this article to all your friends to spread the awareness and help people from getting cheated. Also read this forum thread for more clarity
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