Google Glasses For Sale at $1500 - latest tech tips

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Google Glasses For Sale at $1500

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Google's ambitious project Google Glass is going to be rolled out to a selected few techies around the world. Google has decided to give away around 6000 of its Google glasses for $1500 each to techies who can evaluate them and suggest and develop new applications for this new technology.

Google Project Glass:

Simply read this article to find more about Google Project Glasses with video.

Experts believe that Google's Project Glass will be available in markets in next couple of years to general public.

Some of the usages of Google Project Glass.
  1. Identify Monuments: Imagine you are standing in front of monument and building and what to know which building is it. Google glasses will process the information and tell you what you want.
  2. Navigation. You may have heard of GPS. well this is extended version of that. The main differences is that you will be given direction on actual roads.
  3. Locating Business: You want to dine at a strange place Google Glass will tell you which is the best restaurant in your area based on user reviews. However they may also have sponsored suggestions to help you take customers.
Engineer on the Glass project Isabelle Olsson, said Google created these glasses for people to interact with the virtual world without distracting them from the physical world which means you don't have to have a look at your smart phone to get information you will see everything in front of your eyes without having to open any new device in front of you. It's designed to interact closely with your senses, without blocking them.


She said Google had two broad goals in mind: Communications through images and quick access to information. The device has a camera to capture fleeting moments and allow others to see the world through your eyes.
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