Why are Google+1s so hard to get? - latest tech tips

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Why are Google+1s so hard to get?

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Google has launched the +1 button since so many days but still many site owners find it difficult to get many +1s there are many reasons for this and I have listed the most important ones below.

When we compare Facebook Likes to Google's +1s we always see a drastic difference between the number of likes and +1s. If there are 1000 likes there are hardly few 100s +1s.

Google built its +1 to compete with Facebook and also rolled out Google+ Social Networking platform. The whole idea is to combine search with social media. Also Google will also start giving +1s relevance in search to users who have +1ed articles who are part of your circles in Google+ (Google has started doing it).

Having said all this below are the reasons why you see fewer +1s than Facebook likes.

  1. People are still not aware of this whole concept in totality.
  2. During Google search lesser people are logged into Google Account.
  3. So even if people wan't to +1 they have to first sign in.
  4. People have a tendency to log into Facebook immediately after they start computer.
  5. Active users on Google+ are much less in comparison to Facebook.
  6. Facebook popularity is so high that Facebook shares have an immediate impact and the post goes viral.
  7. Google+ is gaining popularity but has very less potential of making posts go viral as few people actively visit Google+.
  8. Also one important reason also could be poor content but that's a different thing all together.
Overall people are used to Facebook and it runs in their brain and heart. People are hooked towards Facebook and it has become a way of life for 800+ million people across the world. Google+ has 200+ million users but very few of them are very active.

There will be a time when Google will start giving more priority to +1s and people will be forced to use Google+ to promote their websites. Until that time comes its hard to imagine +1 becoming a way of promoting your website.
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