HOW TO: Disable or Remove Applian Search New Tab Default plugin from Mozilla. - latest tech tips

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HOW TO: Disable or Remove Applian Search New Tab Default plugin from Mozilla.

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If you are stuck with Applian Default New Tab plugin on your Mozilla Firefox browser and just want to get rid of it. I have a very simple solution for you.

Applian is a custom Google search page which uses Google search engine capability to do search but displays search result with few customizations. Not all users may like those customizations.

Just follow the simple steps to really disable  Applian Default new tab plugin.

1. Just go to any new Tab.
2. Locate the Search Box.

3. Just under it there is a remove button.
4. Just click on it.


5. You will be prompted if you really want to remove, just Press OK.

You are all set. The Applian search is removed. Simple wasn't it. Now you can enjoy the default screen showing the recently opened pages in the new tab of Mozilla.
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