TOP 5: World's Tablet PC Manufacturing Companies till 2012. - latest tech tips

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TOP 5: World's Tablet PC Manufacturing Companies till 2012.

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Apple pioneered in introducing the tablet PC t the world and since then they have highly dominated in tablet PC sales across the globe. There are many players in the market and each one is trying their level best to out perform each other.

At present there are 5 companies which are major competitors in the tablet PC market and but the market leader apple is the front runner amongst them all. Lets have a look at the statistics.

Data based on Q1-2012.

#5. ASUS: 
Google recently launched its own flagship tablet i.e. the Nexus 7 with collaboration from ASUS. ASUS has sold 0.5 million tablets and has a market share of 2.3%.

#4. RIM: 
One of the most popular tablets by RIM is Playbook even RIM has soldd around 0.5 million tablets and have a market share of 2.3%.

#3. Amazon: 
Amazon launched its Kindle Fire at a price tag of $199 running on Android OS. What more could buyers ask for. However many people soon realized that Amazon had highly customized the Andoid OS and it was very buggy and users did not even have access to Google Play Store. All this resulted in Amazon selling 0.9 million tablets and getting a market share of 4%.

#2. Samsung: 
Samsung and Apple are fighting various patent laws across the world and recently Apple won a patient war in US preventing Samsung from selling its Samsung Galaxy Tab in US which is the most important market for selling tablet PCs. Samsung has sold 1.6 million and is at number 2 with a market share of 7.5%.

#1. Apple:
The undisputed champion who introduced tablets to the world in the first place is still the market leader by a unbeatable margin. Apple has innovated immensely in tablet PC world and has sold a whooping 13.6 million tablets across the world and has a highly dominating 63% market share.

Apple are the industry leaders and others are just trying to catchup.
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