Google Search: Tutorial Part 1 - latest tech tips

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Google Search: Tutorial Part 1

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Google is the most powerful search engine in the world today and its highly essential that you know how to fire a Google query to get the most relevant information for you. To do this there are many basic tips and tricks.

I am going to start a series of lessons which one can take to know Google search better. Google is a complete algorithm based search engine and you do not need to know how it works. But you can educate yourself with ways which will get you most relevant results.

Are you look to do something like an activity?

Well from watching a movie, shopping to eating out a pizza you can use Google for everything.

1. Movie:
Just type movie in search box. A list of all movies in your city will be presented to you. Click on any one of the movies and you will get the multiplexes on which it is being played.

2. Shopping:
Just type item you are searching for and the Shopping link in left panel of search result.

3. Pizza:
Just type pizza place city name. You can use this trick to find out information about any business in your city.

4. Sports Score:
Just type country and sport name or team name in search box and check the result.

All the above tricks will help you seek information which will help you do your respective activities that too effectively. I will continue this tutorial in different part series in up coming days.
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