Top Common Google Adsense Myths Busted. - latest tech tips

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Many people join the world of blogging with an intention to make money online. Google Adsense is one of the most popular source of online money making. But many bloggers are unaware of very important facts about Google Adsense and work mostly on perception.

I am going to throw some light on some of the most common Myths about Google Adsense and facts related towards it. These recommendations are the easiest ways of increasing your Adsense Revenue which are actually recommended by Google Adsense team.

1. Only Text or Image Ads give more revenue:
This is one of the most common myths. As per Google's Adsense recommendation it is advisable that Adsense publishers have a blend of Text as well as Image Ads. If you have enabled both image as well as text Ads then more advertisers will compete for your Ad Units and the highest bidder will get the spot.

2. High Paying Keywords Content get you more revenue:
This is one of the most important and most common myth that even I used to believe. Many publishers write content which pay the highest CPC however Google recommends us to write content on which we are passionate and expert about. This proves how important quality and unique content is in the online world.

3. Ads shown anywhere pay the same.
This is also very common myth. As per Google Adsense those Ads pay highest which appear first to the user. That means those Ads are more valuable for which users do not have to scroll down. That means Ads above-the-fold (ATF) are very valuable. The Ads which are shown at the bottom of you webpage are paid lower. You must try to blend most of your Ads Above the fold.

4. Having very few Ad units pay you More.
Well this is again a big mistake. You never know who will visit your webpage and with what intention so having only 1 Ad Unit can really hamper your CTR in a very bad way. Know more about CTR here. By having more Ad Units you increase your chances of a higher CTR and also many advertisers will bid for different Ads spots on your website. To know more about profitable Ad position click here.

You can use the above information to increase your Adsense revenue in a legitimate way with least effort. So all the best.

Source: Adsense Blog
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