Facebook Introduce Similies now in Comments. - latest tech tips

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Facebook Introduce Similies now in Comments.

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So finally the missing feature of smiles finally arrives on Facebook. Not yet available on Facebook's Apps on Android and iOS but an new update and we will start seeing them there as well. So make sure you do update the latest App update with similes.

So in case you want to have a look at all the similes available for Facebook usage here is the list.

angel O:)
confused o.O
cry :'(
curlylips :3
devil 3:)
wink ;)
frown :(
gasp :-O
glasses 8-)
grin :D
grumpy >:(
heart >3
kiss :*
pacman :V
smile :)
squint -_-
sunglasses *-|
tongue :P
unsure :/
upset >:O

This list will be updated very soon with even more cool smiles.
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