HOW TO: Check if your Mouse is working or not? - latest tech tips

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HOW TO: Check if your Mouse is working or not?

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In case you feel that your mouse is not working as intended and you want to make sure if your mouse is working properly or not then you can take this online mouse click test and see for your self if you need to replace your existing mouse or not.

The test can be taken at This is actually a game where you must click as many check boxes within 20 seconds but you can use this to test your mouse for its clicking capability.

1. Click on each check boxes only once and move to the next.
2. You have to complete 10 clicks in 20 seconds which is very simple.
3. Count the click also in your mind.
4. Make sure you click on the check box perfectly.

If your count in mind and the you got score is the same that means your mouse is working fine.

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