REVIEW: Google Nexus 7 Pros and Cons. - latest tech tips

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REVIEW: Google Nexus 7 Pros and Cons.

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I got this amazing tablet from my friend directly from the US. In India its available for Rs 16000 i.e. close to $300. I always felt a tablet should never be more than $200 and this tablet perfectly fitted in my logic.

I have already used iPad 3 in office and it will not be very fare to compare these to tablets but I will try to only include few valid comparisons. My review will not include specifications as we all know them its will be mostly usage experiences.

1. Jelly Bean: 
Nexus 7 is pre installed with Jelly Bean. Project Butter really works wonders and the responsiveness is very close to Nokia Lumia kind very buttery and smooth.

2. Auto Updates:
Since its a Google device Nexus devices are the first ones to get auto updates. If you are on Samsung HTC you are at the mercy of Samsung etc. sometimes they roll out after 6 months to a year which really sucks. I got the latest Jelly Bean update 4.1.2 within few days. Its primary feature was Desktop landscape mode.


3. Processing Power:
Its Quad core and I must say I could not find a single app which made it look like its getting slow. Its super fast and very capable of multitasking. Its equipped with a very cool graphic card for gaming. Its a great gaming device.

4. Screen:
The screen is amazing. The 7" tablets easily fits in your hand and you can play with it in any position Sitting, sleeping, travelling. It will easily fit with you. Screen is very responsive.  However while scrolling large webpages I found it little annoying. The annoying part is when you scroll with little force with expectation it will scroll quite a bit it actually scrolls very less not sure if its the screen or the browsers. I used pre installed chrome and Opera.

5. Battery:
Battery is very decent. If you are a heavy user it can last you at least 15 hours. If not it easily lasts for a day or 2. Also standby time is 3 - 4 days if unused.

6. Weight:
Very portable and light weight so you can carry it anywhere anytime.

7. Price:
This is one of the best parts $199 8 GB and $249 16 GB.

1. Screen clarity:
I must say its unfair but when you keep it in front of iPad 3 you can easily make out the difference. Nexus 7 is decent but not the best.

2. No Memory slot:
So you have to be happy with 8 GB which is actually only 6 GB practically usable.

At the price at which it is offered it is probably the best tablet available  So if you are a newbee tablet user this tablet is perfect for you. I eve did a blog post on the tablet and it was a good experience  Amazing device for gaming, Videos and Reading. 
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