TOP 10: Hottest Gadgets to Buy this Christmas Holiday Season - latest tech tips

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TOP 10: Hottest Gadgets to Buy this Christmas Holiday Season

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So Christmas is around the corner and people have been saving all the year to buy some of the cool stuff which will be discounted in this period. If you are planning to buy cool gadgets then here is a very good compilation of list for you.

Smartphones, Tablets, Digital Cameras, Digital Watches, Portable Music Players, LED TVs, Gaming Devices are some hottest selling gadgets and I will be listing the hottest selling in the list.

Smart Phones
1. Google Nexus 4:
Available for just $299 and $349 it is one of the most in demand smartphones today. Its so highly in demand that it got sold out in little less than 2 hours the moment it got launched.

2. Nokia Lumia 920:
This is a very good smartphone from Nokia running on Windows Phone 8. It has some of the most advance features and is available for just $99 on a AT&T contract.


3. iPhone 4s:
If you are wondering iPhone 5 is latest then think again. Apple really screwed up big time with Apple Maps and until Apple stabilizes iPhone 5 maps stay away from it. Plus 4s and 5 are almost same.

4. Samsung Galaxy S3:
Yes Samsung Galaxy S3 is today the hottest Android phone selling today. Samsung reduced S3 prices post Apple iPhone 5 launch. You can take advantage of this. I have personally used it and its a very beautiful phone. I will still recommend Google Nexus 4 which has same specs at half price.

1. Google Nexus 7:
Google has launched Nexus 7 a long time back and this is one of the best low cost tablets available in the market today. Its hardware is too good for its price and I play tons of games without any problems.

2. Microsoft Surface:
If you want to create content from your tablet which means you want to create documents spreadsheets etc within the tablet then this tablet is defiantly for you.


3. iPad Mini:
Apple launched this amazing device few days back its a scaled down version of the iPad but it still surely is a an Apple product.

Digital SLR Camera:
1. Canon T3i:
This holiday season canon is selling more T3i than ever. Its a camera which is very good as well as advanced for beginners at a entry level price. As far as I remember it was available for around $500 with kit lens. Check out on


Digital Watches:
1. Stuhrling Original
Stuhrling Original watches are available on Amazon for a dirt cheap price of under $100. Check out the amazing collection on Amazon. These watches are fully automatic and normally cost around $450 and above. The below picture is of Stuhrling Original ST-90050 which you may not get so easily now but there are other options.


Portable Music Players:
1. iPod Touch
Do you know you can buy the iPod with a customized engraving which will make this gift even more special? Well try this link and you will understand.

Gamin Console:
1. XBox 360 and PS3 :
If you are a fan of anyone of these you must go ahead and buy this season. They are available at bestbuy for just $199.

So after planting great ideas to spend your money I guess my job is over and yours starts. So why wait go ahead and enjoy the holiday season by spending all your hard earned cash on these cool gadgets and improve your credit score. 

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