Do you know there are more ways to make money than Adsense Alone? - latest tech tips

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Do you know there are more ways to make money than Adsense Alone?

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Its a myth that Google Adsense alone can be a substantial source of income for your blog. Its very true that Adsense is the best in business but it may not be always the best to get you more money.

I am going to discuss many more alternative and very good ways of making money other than Adsense. It is very important to note here that the content on your blog is the single decisive factor to its success. If you keep posting outdated and already posted content over and over again your blog not just looses reputation but also visitors.

Before you dive deep into this post first there are few things you must have on your Blog.
1. Contact Us Page.
2. Advertisement Page.
3. About Page.
4. Privacy Policy Page.

All the above pages qualify you for attracting advertisers and sponsored posts authors. If you want tips on above pages then simply visit the ones on this blog.

Google Says: How a Blog's content stands out compared to other makes all the difference.

So if you are getting good enough traffic on your blog there is not reason why you cannot make more money from non Adsense sources.

1. Sponsored Posts: 
Its not a crime to publish sponsored posts provided they are falling in to your niche and your readers get interesting information out of it. If you have a Contact Us page and you clearly mention that you can publish authentic sponsored posts related to your blog niche then there are many Advertisers who are searching for such reputed blogs. You can make anywhere from $20 - $80 per post which is very good earning.

2. Content Writing: 
Many times Advertisers may even ask you to write reviews for their products. It may not be necessary you have to write a positive review just because its sponsored. Also you can earn up to $50 to $100 for writing good quality content. These contents may be published in other blogs.

3. Advertising:
If your blog is getting substantial traffic and has good reputation many Advertisers will be willing to publish Ads on your blog. Based on your number of visitors you can earn from $10 - $100 per link per month. The beauty is you can have 100s of such Advertise links on your blog.

Above are few ways in which you can make money apart from Google Adsense and increase your online income.
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