Does Installing too many apps on your smart phone make it very slow? - latest tech tips

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Does Installing too many apps on your smart phone make it very slow?

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Are you wondering why your smart phone has suddenly started slowing down and being less responsive? Do you think that installing too many apps is slowing it down?

Well the truth of the matter is its all about demand and supply. What that means is if your smart phone has the proper hardware and software resources to accomplish these tasks (Apps) then you may not encounter this problem.

In case you have less resources and more apps then you may find your Smart phone slowing down due to resource constraints. Mind you software i.e. OS is equally important here. If your hardware is state of art and software is incapable of delivering the goods then you may still find a slow smart phone experience.

Most smart phone Operating Systems like Android iOS and Windows Phone OS now a days handle multi processing well and hence it will be necessary for you to choose a smart phone which has the best hardware and computation power i.e. minimum 1+ GHZ and dual core processor configuration.
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