BMC Biggest Muncipal Corporation in India has no online Property Tax Payment facility today. - latest tech tips

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BMC Biggest Muncipal Corporation in India has no online Property Tax Payment facility today.

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BMC (Brahan Mumbai Municipal Corporation) has no online property Tax payment method today. Ironically Mumbai is the biggest Municipal corporation in India.

BMC had a SAP based payment gateway for property Tax payment until end of 2012 but since Jan 2013 the only online payment is down and out. This has badly affected those property owners who have property but do not live in the city.

Also those people from Mumbai who enjoyed Property Tax Payment from the comfort of their homes will have to pay the property Tax now by standing in queue.

When Peopel visit BMC's Official website
Citizens are greeted with below message.

BMC officials are saying that they are evaluating another payment system but there is no clarity when it will go live. Whatever the case may be, no online payment option is a very embarrassing thing for the biggest Municipal corporation in India.
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