This is hilarious and scarey. This video demonstrates how the robots can invade your private lives and also some of the cons of this technology when it will be actually implemented.
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Amazon Drone Service
Netflix Free trial
VIDEO: Amazon's drone delivery service mocked by Netflix
VIDEO: Amazon's drone delivery service mocked by Netflix
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# Amazon Drone Service
# Netflix Free trial
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About Harshad
Harshad Sonaje is a hobbyist Technology blogger and a passionate Software Architect working full time in Software Development industry. I was always driven by technology and I always make sure I share any new discoveries I make in technology on my blog.
VIDEO: Amazon's drone delivery service mocked by Netflix
HarshadFeb 26, 2014HOW TO: Get Free trial for Netflix for a month.
HarshadJan 27, 2013
Amazon Drone Service,
Netflix Free trial