VIDEO: Android Wear the new platform for wearable gadets. - latest tech tips

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VIDEO: Android Wear the new platform for wearable gadets.

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Looks like Samsung jumped in to the wearable technology market too soon. Google instead of hurrying into this market first launched a new platform Android Wear. Android Wear is the light weight Android OS which would primarily focus more on notifications and information as you need it with least interactions. Google wants to do it the right way rather than doing it first.

Most of the interactions will be voice based with least or no touch. Google Now will become the focal point of the OS. Google is focused on first exposing the platform to developers and allowing them to create new innovative Apps. These Apps will build a very strong wearable technology ecosystem.

This wearable ecosystem building strategy seems to be very logical and some very interesting wearable watches and devices could be built on top of it. Devices which are smart which store very little information on the device and use maximum cloud services. Samsung might even think of ditching their flagship OS Tizen which it unveiled few weeks back.

Take a peek at the wearable technology future from Google.

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