Guide to shopping used products online. - latest tech tips

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Guide to shopping used products online.

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Buying and selling old stuff online is not a new concept but until few years back selling your old TV was an uphill task and getting good value for it was very difficult. Most of the times the TV would end up in a TV showroom in some exchange offer. Not to mention at dirt cheap prices. This type of business activity is called C2C (Customer to Customer).

The case with old phones was even worse, and same was applicable for any other articles in your house. The biggest problem was inability to reach the targeted audience. With the launch of online buy / sell portals this problem has been largely solved and people have started getting good value for their old articles.

Some times they get better price than they ever expected. Why such a huge change? Well people don't want to spend too much on new gadgets, especially bachelors and some folks have cash crunch for such things.

In the United States there are various portals where you can get really good stuff virtually for free or at very cheap prices. Its not that the things are bad but the average America discards his/her stuff much before its actual life ends. Every American wants to use the latest and greatest and hence these products are thrown out. In some cases they are given away for free just because they are so heavy that throwing them also costs them money.

In other parts of the world like Asia for example India and Bangladesh sites which allow you to  post free ads here are gaining huge popularity. Like Americans, people from the
Indian sub continent are not so keen on throwing away their household articles for free and they want very good value for them no matter how much they have used them.

The number of people wanting to buy these old products is also very high as the cost difference between buying old working product and brand new is almost three to four times. In some cases people had aspirations of owning particular products few years back and they were out of their budget, but because of this new platform people are able to discover these old products and actually buy them at 20 to 30% of its actual cost.

The advantage is for both buyer as well as seller. Buyer can have many options to choose from for the same product, depending on the age and price and locality of the product. Seller can expose their products to many potential buyers across the city. Sometimes people from across city are also willing to buy them in cases of bikes and cars.

I have personally sold many articles from my house and got great value for them. One thing you must keep in mind while posting the Ads on these portals is posting images and quoting reasonable prices. If you expect too much chances are you might not be able to sell them. Price should be such that it will make the buyer twice before looking at other Ads. Keeping the Boxes and Bills of these products gives more value as they prove you are the actual owner and buyer gets confidence while buying them.

So if you want to buy or sell any product just keep all the factors mentioned in this article and I am sure you will not be disappointed with either buying or selling these articles.
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