HOW TO: Permanently Stop getting Candy Crush Notification - latest tech tips

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HOW TO: Permanently Stop getting Candy Crush Notification

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I have seen many Facebook users blasting their Facebook friends to stop sending  Candy Crush notifications. Instead of requesting every friend in your list you can disable the notifications permanently and this is how you can do it.

1. Login to Facebook from the web.
2. Check the Apps sections
3. Check for Candy Crush Saga App
4. Check for a setting icon to the left of the App.
5. Click on it.
6. Check Visibility option, set it to Only Me.
7. Check Notification option, set it to Never


With this you are all set to enjoy your Facebook experience sans Candy Crush. If you liked the post and if it worked for you share it with your frustrated friends and like our Facebook Fan page.
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