Money Saver Tip#4: What are different types of refurbished goods? - latest tech tips

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Money Saver Tip#4: What are different types of refurbished goods?

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Many shoppers run away from Refurbished goods and think they are defective items, well in very few cases its true but in most cases these are the items returned by the shoppers. Now there could be multiple reasons for the shoppers returning the goods and some of them are listed below.

  1. They simply didn't like the product.

  2. There is a sudden price drop and they still have time left to return the item.

  3. There is a very minor aesthetic defect like a small scuff or a scratch while shipping.

  4. Display items by retailers are sold as refurbished as well.

  5. The product was indeed broken.

When is it a no brainer  to go for refurbished goods?

  1. You are already planning to buy the same product second hand without warranty from Craigslist or offer up or from any other source.

  2. When there is a heavy discount on the retail price (more than 30%).

  3. When the warranty period is 90 days or more.

  4. When the warranty is good enough for you to try out the product and return back if you didn't like it.

  5. Goods from highly reputed brands which are already known for high quality products.

What are different types of refurbished items?

  1. Manufacturer Refurbished: These are the best in the lot. The manufacturer has passed this product through its stringent Quality process and they usually have around 90 days of warranty.

  2. Seller Refurbished: These are refurbished by the seller, the quality testing may or may not be done and you might end up getting around 30 day warranty.

  3. Refurbished: Who did the refurbishing is unknown and these products are slightly risky, but if you are buying the product from a trusted source like Amazon, ebay or Groupon you should worry little less. Warranty period will be minimum 30 days.

When to avoid refurbished goods?

  1. If the warranty is very less.

  2. If the price is as close to new product.

  3. Un trusted/ Non popular seller.

In many cases buyers end up getting items which are almost new and get a huge discount on the products and it becomes a win win situation. Buying refurbished goods is generally preferred in cases where the products are meant to last for many years.
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