OnePlus One gets a price cut and available without invite. - latest tech tips

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OnePlus One gets a price cut and available without invite.

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A a full year after hitting the market with the invite only system, the One Plus one is now available without invitation and a surprisingly modest price cut of $1. We are not sure if the price cut is intentional or a software glitch as $1 price cut sounds really more like a bug than a actual intentional price cut.

Considering the already cheap price point at which OnePlus One is $1 price may be considered an added bonus or it could be an indication that the OnePlus 2 launch might happen sometime soon. It will be very interesting to see at which price point the OnePlus 2 gets launched, if OnePlus 2 has a higher price point than the current OnePlus One, then the Flagship killer tag becomes insignificant and OnePlus will enter into premium smartphone territory which we believe is against the philosophy of the company.

If OnePlus keeps the price point same then it will be interesting to see at what price point does the OnePlus One sells. There is a high probability that the OnePlus 2 might end up being priced slightly higher than the OnePlus One and there will be a slight reduction in the cost of OnePlus One so that there is some distinction between the old generation and new generation phone and also help in maintaining the financial balance.

[caption id="attachment_3310" align="aligncenter" width="720"]OnePlus-2-1024x576 Concept Image for OnePlus 2 by Matt7262.[/caption]

The only problem with OnePlus 2 is the OS which will be Oxygen OS which is entirely new OS built by OnePlus team on top of Android 5.0. There are many reviews of the Oxygen OS on the youtube which indicate it is promising but the level of customization possible on CynogenMod is far more enticing and light years ahead of Oxygen OS. In a way OnePlus wants more control over software which is good in some sense, as the entire OS will be built exactly custom for the hardware of the OnePlus devices and not a generic OS which Cynogen Mod actually is.
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