Overcart crashed during OnePlus One Flash Sale. - latest tech tips

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Overcart crashed during OnePlus One Flash Sale.

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Overcart the so called India's first site for refurbished and open items was flooded with traffic which momentarily crashed their server on a Flash Sale which happened today at 2:PM IST.

The same thing had happened when MI 3 was launched on flipkart. It is not very clear how many units were targeted to be sold by overkart.com. There is a high probability that overcart used this Flash sale as a marketing campaign to publicize the website itself rather than actually selling reasonable number of units.

Overcart had planned to sell OnePlus One's which were tagged as Open Items, which as per the website were simply opened but not used (or very little used) phones.

The most tempting thing about this Flash sale was the price of the OPO which was ₹ 16999 which is ₹ 5000 lesser than the actual retail cost of the phone which is available on Amazon.in One PlusOne for ₹ 21999.

Here is what happened to the overcart.com site during the flash sale.

1. During adding the product to the cart.


2. During trying to checkout.


3. Even after adding the phone into the cart it says sold out.



Overall the shopping experience on Overkart was a little anticlimax. But its understandable that its a new company and they may not have anticipated so much rush for the smartphones. Hopefully overcart will learn and evolve from this experience.
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