Facebook Market Place: Update on Seller and Buyer Ratings. - latest tech tips

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Facebook Market Place: Update on Seller and Buyer Ratings.

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The Facebook market place is a very cool social place to buy and sell used stuff. Facebook mostly tries to keep the buy-sell experience simple and clean but there is still a long way to go.

Recently Facebook announced that they are going to enrol new changes to Facebook Buyer and Seller rating mechanism from October 8th 2019. So here is a quick summary of what is it now and what has changed.

Most visible change:
The ratings will be a 5-star rating instead of numbered rating which is currently in place. The method to rate the buyer and seller will update to a star rating inputs. For example, if a buyer rates a seller with a positive rating they can give up to 5 stars and if they are not happy with the experience they can give you a 1-star rating.

Sellers Ratings:
Sellers will no longer be able to keep their ratings private. All ratings will be public going forward. This is a very welcome move as Sellers will have to be very responsible when communicating with buyers.

The seller's Ratings are visible in one's market place profile and can really help the buyer make up their mind to contact you or not or if they can trust you right of the bat.

Buyers Ratings:
This is the part which is a little controversial. Buyers ratings are private(not visible) and they are internally used by Facebook. It's little controversial because the buyer has some leverage to be reckless and get away with it. But remember if you get too many 1 star ratings as a buyer you might be setting red flags in Facebook's internal system.

With this, I hope you have a great time on Facebook Marketplace.
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