How, Why and When To Use Google's TimeLine Feature? - latest tech tips

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How, Why and When To Use Google's TimeLine Feature?

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Do you want to know why a historic event happened and when did it happen? Now Google's latest Timeline Feature allows you to understand all these historic facts in a matter of few clicks.

Be it a historic event or a famous personality you can find all details in very effective and chronological order ordered in a graphical TimeLine.

How to use Google's TimeLine feature?

1. Just go to
2. Enter your search query (any event or personality or product or anything) example "Mahatma Gandhi"
3. Now allow the search results to populate and from the side bar choose the TimeLine.

4. You will instantly notice a timeline at the top of search results.
5. This timeline starts with the beginning or birth of the event or personality and ends with the latest Year.

When and Why to use Google TimeLine Feature?

Well first reason is to get exact information and that too in a chronological manner. Google's TimeLine feature presents the exact details of how and when the events happened one after the other and all that based on the data it has indexed from websites around the world.

Certainly the TimeLine feature makes the search more effective and understandable.

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