Improve Your WebSites Performance Using Google Webmaster Tools - latest tech tips

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Improve Your WebSites Performance Using Google Webmaster Tools

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A website performance is critical not just for the Search Engine but also for reader's who visit your website. If a website is too slow first thing they will do is move on. It is very important to make sure the website loads in less than 5 seconds on normal internet connection.

Today I will tell you how to use Google Webmaster tools to improve your website Performance so that the user gets your content ASAP. To get started it is essential that you register your website in Google Web Master Tools.
It is very easy just read the article "How to find Google Bot activity on your website or Blog?". It has detailed steps to register your website with webmaster tools.

Once you are done with registration follow these simple steps to check out your website performance.

1. Just Sign In to your Google Webmaster Account.

2. Click on the website you registered and want to check performance.
3. Go to Labs Section and click on site Performance.

You will quickly see the summary of your website performance over a time period. IT also tells you how much time does it take to load your website on an average and also gives you information as to where you stand with respect to fastest websites in the world and a benchmark to improve.

There are many advantages of Fast Loading websites such as:

1. Reader's are happy with the site performance and don't mind coming back if they liked your articles.
2. Search Engine Index your websites quickly.
3. Less internet bandwidth is utilized to load your website saving time and money.

Related Articles:
1. How to check website performance on Mobile Devices?
2. How to check website performance on different internet speeds?
3. How to check website performance using Google's Page Speed Plug-in?


  1. Hi there!

    Thanks for writing good articles that are easy to read and understand. According to Google Webmaster Tool, my site loads in 3.3 seconds. How can I make it even faster?

  2. Wow 3.3 seconds is not bad at all. The best way to make your website super fast is to remove all the bulky images to find those just check this article Check website performance on mobile devices. Another simple way is to remove unnecessary widgets which don't add any value to your blog. I hope these tricks help.


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