Steve Jobs unfinished Dream Projects. - latest tech tips

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Steve Jobs unfinished Dream Projects.

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Steve Jobs always did things which no body imagined doing. While he was on his hospital bed he was constantly thinking about ideas which would really make things very simple for humans.

Steve Jobs was bed ridden during his last days but that never stopped him from imagining and he was mainly focusing on things like designing new concepts. Contrary to popular belief Steve Jobs was never so much interested in Consume Electronics.

1. iCar: Yes Steve Jobs was not very happy with the American Car industry and always dreamed of making a super Smart car called as iCar. Now you can imagine what a hit an iCar could have been. With its state of art features and super class user interface the iCar could have been the most selling car not just in America but Across the globe.

2. iScalators: Steve was also very much interested in making the worlds smartest escalators. iScalators is not a real name and I came up with the most likely name.

3. iYactch: Steve Jobs also loved boats and he also wanted to design state of art Yachts. Can you imagine you use iPhone to navigate in your iCar to locate your iYacht and sail to your dream iSland. Well had Steve Jobs been around for another few years may be all these dreams would have turned into reality.


Unfortunately Steve Jobs is no longer with us but his contribution towards the field of mobile technology will always remain with all of us to remember him for a very long time. Who knows a Steve Jobs may have already stated working on these iDeas....
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