How to instantly find a words meaning while web surfing? - latest tech tips

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How to instantly find a words meaning while web surfing?

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This is a typical problem. You are reading a News article and suddenly you find a unfamiliar word. Now what will you do, copy it search for its meaning on a different website or install Wordweb and press CTRL+Right click then it will launch a new App.

But there is a even simpler way and that is you can actually install a plugin on your Browser called Dictionary Tool tip for Mozilla and Chrome

All you have to do is while you are busy reading your favorite article on the web and encounter a unfamiliar word simply double click on it. The Mozilla Addon or Chrome plugin will simply create a tooltip of the word with its meaning.

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The Addon also plays the word for you with pronunciation which is a great feature. The greatest advantage of this addon is that you do not have to switch the Tab and you can still continue reading your favorite article or News making your reading experience more fulfilling.
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