Earn Amazon Gift Cards with Influencer Marketing Platform Buzzoole. - latest tech tips

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Earn Amazon Gift Cards with Influencer Marketing Platform Buzzoole.

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We share lot of content with our friends on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram etc every day. Now picture this, you share a particular post on Facebook, that post is liked by many friends and friends of friends and it becomes popular instantly, which is very common with the content we share daily.

Well what if there was a way in which, just by sharing content on Facebook or any Social Media platform, you can earn credits which are convertible to Amazon Gift cards. Yes that’s totally possible using Buzzoole.

Buzzoole is an Influencer Marketing Platform i.e. it channelizes your social media influence in innovative online marketing campaigns. Buzzoole enables users to be invited to participate in these campaigns offered by various brands, where you can publish social posts and blog articles on selected products, and in return you receive Buzzoole credits which are convertible into Amazon Gift Cards.

You can simply join Buzzoole as a user and connect all your social media accounts in a matter of few minutes.

Just by joining Buzzoole, it allows you to understand your sphere of Social Influence in the form of Influence Polygon, which shows how influential you are and in which categories/topics. This Influence Polygon is automatically calculated by Buzzoole based on social media channels connected in your account.


Once everything is set up you may receive invitations to participate in various marketing campaigns from various brands and after you have successfully participated, you will receive Buzzoole credits and Buzzoole badges to your Buzzoole account. Badges can be Social, Campaign related or Referral badges which add lot of spice to your activities you do.


Apart from participating in marketing campaigns you can also earn Buzzoole credits by

  • Inviting new members to Buzzoole with its referral program.

  • Sharing your influence polygon on your site and clicking on it.

  • Downloading Buzzoole iPhone or Android App and more.

It’s very clear that the more Buzzoole credits you have the higher will be the value of the Amazon Gift Card you can convert to. Isn’t this wonderful? Just for few minutes of effort you convert your Social Media influence into Amazon Gift Cards and most importantly also have loads of fun at the same time. So what are you waiting for? Join Buzzoole today.
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