WebsiteX5 a tool to build your brand online - latest tech tips

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WebsiteX5 a tool to build your brand online

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First impression is a lasting impression if not the last impression. Its imperative in today's world to have your brands presence on the internet and Social Media. A good brand is always complimented by a very strong and creative online presence. Having a website for any brand is a must but just having a website may be fruitless if the website content is not appealing to the user as well as the Search Engines like Google, Bing etc.

So how to solve this problem. Well there are many tools available in the market today which allows creation and design of websites. One of the highlights of a good website design is interactivity and adaptability. Interactivity is two folds interactivity with users as well as the device on which the website loads and adaptability is the way in which the website look and feels when it loads on a desktop, tablet or a smartphone.

Adaptive user interface could become very tricky to implement and might need you to be an expert in the field of CSS, HTML, JavaScript etc. If you don't have plans to gain Web Design expertise then you have a very simple solution WebsiteX5, its a website building tool with hundreds of creative and meaningful templates which can cater to your businesses needs. Another advantage of WebsiteX5 is, most of the templates are automatically adaptive to different devices which means the same website will look meaningful and interactive as per the device on which it loads.


Adaptive User Interface is extremely important since its hard to predict which device a person might load your device from. If you focus too much on Desktop website and majority of your web traffic is from smartphone users then you are at a loss as the users might be presented with a website view which is not optimized for smartphone screens. WesiteX5 can actually help you create website which is interactive as well as adaptive.

Using WesiteX5 you can create any website from basic to advanced interactive with least effort and time. First fill in basic details of the website. You don't need to be a real UI technology expert to do it. It has advance features like Enable Responsive, Site map creation, adding shopping cart Payment methods, quick Previews.

In just few simple steps you can actually start seeing a very basic and good website.

  • Start a project and give basic details of the project and enable Responsive Design.


  • Site Map creation (Add remove pages and structure as per your requirements).


  • Page Creation (Add contents in the pages as per your requirements)


  • Advances Settings (SEO, Database, RSS, Advertising and lot more)


  • Preview your creation (You can do this any time). We did this in less than 5 mins and results are really cool with no coding.


  • Finally Upload your project on the server.


Some of the highlights of this tool are.

  • Easy to use

  • 400,000 royalty-free images included

  • Highly customizable

  • Professional tools (email form, reserved area, integration with db, e-commerce, etc)

  • Add your custom html/css/js code

  • Responsive websites

  • 12 months of included web-hosting

  • Dedicated language support

If you liked the tool and want to try it there is a Free Demo version available on the site.

After using this tool here are my final thoughts, this tool is great for beginners and mid level experts who want to build a website from scratch with least efforts. You can actually build a website in no time, and you can see the Preview which was built in less than 5 minutes which is a huge plus. It also has SEO support which is extremely critical for PR and Responsive design feature to see the website in different devices as per the size of the screen which is awesome too. On some of the points of improvement I would have preferred a dedicated tab to preview all the time instead of popping it up on demand which would allow seeing how the website looks as user is doing the updates. 

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